First of the four singles that composed the LP album,
made for the university final year project.
Each single came with individual cover, booklet and video clip.
Calm is about my relationship with the ocean,
restlessly balancing between fear and awe.
‘Growing up by the sea always thought
the sound of the ocean as something soothing.
Your heart rate lows.
You inhale and exhale.
for a brief moment everything seems in it’s right place.
Everything seems fine.
You feel like you trust whats left
of your consciousness to some sort of force
that guides you to live and experience
every little moment
and to enjoy it.
Although I feel,
this calm never seems true.
For a brief moment.
You see clear.
Like a waving mantle of water reflecting
the medium light cloudy sky with somewhat of hidden sun
as you stare quiet, into the horizon.
And like every other thing in this world,
nothing lasts forever.
As you lose control,
it ends with a mess of agonising sounds
like you were drowning in that blue-ish deep water.
Losing breath.’
Flávio Lourenço
Steven Martins
João Rodrigues
Flávio Lourenço
Steven Martins
João Rodrigues